not much of a photographer myself, I wouldn’t dare call myself as such anyway.
but of few of them I took, below is the snapshot of hyatt hotel view from distance.

now that I’m back in canada; waterloo
back to reality now 🙂
그 남자의 하루
not much of a photographer myself, I wouldn’t dare call myself as such anyway.
but of few of them I took, below is the snapshot of hyatt hotel view from distance.
now that I’m back in canada; waterloo
back to reality now 🙂
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엇.. 저곳은!!! …..생전 본 적없는 곳이군요.. 베헤헤헤…
저도 생전 처음 본 곳이었어요 😀
HYATT 보고 아 뉴질랜드=_= 생각했는데,
하얏트는 세계 여기저기 있구나, 기억이 났어요..ㅋㅋ
호텔에 며칠 묵어보니, 호텔사업은 큰 돈이 되겠구나 (응?) 하는 엉뚱한 생각이 들었었어요.
나도 돈이 많았으면 하는 현실도피를 잠시 해봤답니다. ;_;