This wine or rather the winery, I should dare say, has pretty interesting name. To be honest, I didn’t even pay much attention to the name until I opened the bottle, and I could only giggle when I read it as Inn-is-killin. You know, just maybe, they named it intentioinally. Who knows? 😛
Despite what others might say, not that I’ve read any reviews, this wine, 2005 Sangiovese, has the worst cork I’ve opened so far. The sheer anger against ignorant cork almost threw me off. Well then again, it might have been just me, how I open wine corks: perhaps I forced it too much. I actually had to bite it out from time to time…
Fortunately, the taste itself wasn’t that bad. Now I say, not bad, but I still yet to have trained my tongue to distinguish different tastes, so it’s only relative feeling. Having said that, the wine has full-bodied taste: it has a bit of sweet taste lingering around your tongue.
The aroma of the wine, to me, has somewhat like a burning sensation. I don’t believe it’s oaked, but I can’t help thinking it might have. Perhaps it’s just the strong aroma from grapes.
In the end, although the wine doesn’t kill you literally like the winery name suggests, it still is a great wine to try out. 🙂
코르크 마개를 따는데 꽤나 고생한 와인입니다. 순전히 무식하게 힘으로 밀어붙이려고 했던 제 잘못일지도 모르겠어요. (웃음) 실제로 이빨로 물고 잡아 당긴적도 여러번 됩니다. (…)
여타 와인과 비교해서 뭔가 특별하다는 생각은 못느낀 와인입니다만, 드라이하지 않은 느낌이 마음에 듭니다. 인-이즈-킬링 이라는 무시무시한 이름을 가진 Winery 인지라 슬며시 되새기며 웃음을 참아봅니다. 🙂 와인이 둘이 먹다 하나 ‘죽어도’ 모를만큼 무시무시한 맛을 가지지는 못해서 약간 아쉽긴 하네요. 😛